playogg-discuss Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9
2010-05-08 23:37:37 UTC
1. We need at least one Ogg Vorbis Portable Audio Player
1. I think we have something.
I have that something :) and it is called Sandisk Sansa Clip 2GB. 40
euro. It plays ogg vorbis and I charge it by connecting it through usb
to my computer. Bought one for a friend which repeatedly told me to buy
one, because my friend wanted one too.
Yea- sorry. I didn't mean to make a list of stuff we didn't have. I made
of list of stuff we'd need. That is one we have. On that note though we
don't have much in terms of anything that looks really cool to compete
with Apple's iPod. The Wipzy was pretty close:


It was always too expensive though and had problems of its own. The good
thing about that was it declared GNU/Linux support. The bad thing about
all these devices is they include WMV support. We shouldn't be paying
Microsoft licensing fees. We also need devices that include the words
"Linux" or "GNU/Linux" or lack of any operating systems supported on the
2. We need a place people can buy it
I live in Thessaloniki, Greece. I bought it from www.e-shop.gr .
Virtually anyone who lives in a 'big city' can order and get one.
I'm unfamiliar with non-English so I can't really see what is going on
elsewhere. At least limited in what I can see. I'm glad they have
something for Greece. For the United States we don't have anything
really. Certainly you can hunt down products that have "Linux" written
on them. That isn't the same thing though as a place you can go for
support. Nor is it the same thing as support free software or Ogg
4. We need a Music Store that offers it in Ogg Vorbis format
I don't. I enjoy all the free cultural works at jamendo.com and with
I'm a fan of supporting free cultural works. That isn't the objective
here though. People have different tastes in music and want different
things. If you are targeting the majority they are after bands from the
major labels. It is going to be nearly impossible to target that
population without access to those labels.
If you want all legally downloadable works then even more will show up
because there are countless of artists who license their music non-free
as cc-by-nc-sa.
Kind regards,
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Message: 4
Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 15:36:32 +0400
Subject: Re: [playogg-discuss] Re: How would we get Ogg Vorbis
adopted? (was Re: playogg-discuss Digest, Vol 13, Issue 2)
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1. We need at least one Ogg Vorbis Portable Audio Player
1. I think we have something.
I have that something :) and it is called Sandisk Sansa Clip 2GB. 40
euro. It plays ogg vorbis and I charge it by connecting it through usb
to my computer. Bought one for a friend which repeatedly told me to buy
one, because my friend wanted one too.
Practically all Chinese media players support OGG.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S1_MP3_player - the most cheap ones, based on
Action chip.
More expensive portable media players (but very cheap in comparison with
'huge brand' players), based on Rockchip and China Chip are also have full
support for FLAC in addition to OGG and others formats.
As I said. Yea. Just a list of things we need. I know we have some on
the list.
Cheers, Oleg
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